Monday, February 28, 2011


Utterly anonymous, like Batman or the artist Banksy, the person I am only allowed to call GR or The Gentleman would never kiss and tell.  There is no website, no blog, no email, no spam. Only an untraceable number on a monogrammed blue card.

At Your Service

xxx xxx-xxxx


When you dial, the voice at the other end is a woman's.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Gentleman rapist. A double entendre if ever there was one. And an oxymoron.

This one is not what you think. He is anything but a predator.  I know, because I am his portraitist.

"In New York City, where single women outnumber desirable men 2 to 1, I provide a service..." So begins the first interview in my on-going profile of this unlikely champion of every woman's right to pleasure.